Imagine the alarm went off, and you snoozed it. The second thing that you can do to turn off snooze on your iPhone is to clear the timer. Nowadays, generic alarm clocks have also come out with a snooze feature, but they cannot be compared with the techniques of smartphones. This is quite a good trick to get people out of bed, and the iPhone alarm trick works pretty well for it. This is why when in sleep, the person goes to click the bigger and brighter button thinking that it will shut off the alarm, but in actuality, it just snoozes it. The clever developers at Apple have designed the alarm-ringing screen in such a way that the brighter and bigger button in the form and center of the screen is for snoozing, and a small button under it is for switching off the alarm. The snooze will ring only after you have hit the snooze button from the main screen when the alarm is ringing. This can be done in two ways, either you can turn off the alarm from the settings before it even rings, or you can turn it off when it rings at its designated time. The first step in turning off the snooze in any iPhone is simply to turn off the alarm. Fear not, because you can use the following steps to turn off the snooze on an iPhone in no time at all. This tedious default snooze time button can be the death of a good morning mood and can be very annoying. We all have been there when you just need five minutes one day, and you hit the snooze button but also when we want undivided sleep for another 30 minutes, and the snooze will not just go away. No one knows who picked this color for the alarm and why but they sure did a great job. When anyone buys an iPhone for the first time, they are sure to be stunned by that orange color and how this not-so-generic color makes all the sense. The orange color for their alarm is somewhat of a famous character. IPhones have been incredibly famous for more than a decade now, and the reason behind that is their great functionality and state-of-the-art features. These are the three methods, and they are quite easy. You can turn off your snooze in an iPhone in three ways which are: by turning off the alarm, disabling the snooze feature completely, and thirdly by clearing the snooze timer from the notifications.

Turn off snooze iphone how to#
How To Turn Off Snooze iPhone? The Simplest Method Out There – Can I Put Any Sound As an Alarm Sound On an iPhone?.– Will the Alarm Make a Noise If the Phone Is On Silent?.– Can You Put an Alarm On the Apple Watch?.How To Turn Off Snooze iPhone? The Simplest Method Out There.